An orchestra uses many instruments. Some are more noticed than others, but all are important. Each is carefully made for its purpose. The Bible says, “It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others,” (Ephesians 2:10, Living Bible). He planned to use us.
The Apostle Paul said if a person is cleansed, he or she “will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work,” (2 Tim. 2:21, NIV). What a privilege to be an instrument for good in God’s Kingdom!
Since I love music so much, I love the idea of being one of God’s musical instruments. I want him to “play his beautiful music through me. (see my blog, Sept. 24, 2015). I also want him to “Make me an instrument of peace,” as St. Francis of Assisi wrote. I sometimes wonder, though, can God use me as an instrument in his Kingdom? Is it possible for Him to play his beautiful music through me?
As Christians, we have an enemy who often batters us with discouragement. He may tempt us to think ‘what use is it for me to write blogs, or music, or anything else? Does anyone read them? There’s such a multitude of things to read, so many good blogs and articles and books. Why would anyone want to read what I write?’
Sometimes it may seem like the enemy is constantly hindering us. Of course that’s no surprise. It’s to be expected that the enemy of our souls would try to hinder us when we try to do God’s will, but the Bible says, “Resist the devil and he will flee…” (James 4:7, I Peter 5:9).
Sometimes I wonder, “Why did he bleed for me, why does he plead for me?” I don’t know why, I just know he did and he does.
I’m just another voice…another instrument in God’s orchestra. Why would God want to play his beautiful music through me? I don’t know why, but I know he does. I don’t know why he wants so many instruments in his orchestra, but I know he does. Christ continues to work in us and through us to will and to work for his good pleasure. As each of us yield to him, the music grows stronger. Likewise, as each of us writes what God guides us to write, the message grows stronger.
—Judith Vander Wege
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