Lessons from Nature

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.

There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard;

[Yet] their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world.

(Psalm 19:1-4 NIV)


As I take my walks across our town’s beautiful golf course, I love seeing the green trees and grass, the blue sky reflected in the ponds, and clouds often mixed with pink and grey at sunset. I think of the above verses from Psalms, and also the scripture in Romans which say that God has revealed himself to people through nature. It says, “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that [humans] are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20 NIV). God’s creation can speak to us in many ways.

This is the way the Life Application Bible translates Psalm 19:1-4:

The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of his craftsmanship.

Day and night, they keep on telling about God” (LAB).


I also love the way a friend of mine put these truths into poetic form many years ago.


Lessons from Nature

Thank you little meadowlark there on a pasture post,

warbling your lungs out to the Lord.

You teach me to use the voice God has given,

to lift up my songs to the open heaven,

and sing out God’s praises for the world.


Thank you, sun so bright for canceling the night,

flooding warmth and happiness below.

You teach me to use the joy God has given,

to prize it as the prelude to the happiness of heaven,

and share it with His loved ones here below.


Thank you, clouds and raindrops on my window pane,

blotting out the sunlight from view.

You teach me to use the tears God has given,

to see beyond the storm clouds to a sun-drenched heaven,

 and share the pain of those who weep below.


Thank you, restive wind, bestirring all the earth,

always on the move, never still.

You teach me to use this restlessness I feel,

to let the Spirit blow and use me as He will,

To show the way to real rest in God’s bosom.


Thank you, stars above, while burning in the night,

brighter as the darkness deeper grows,

You teach me to look on darkness as a friend,

revealing how far and wide my Ruler’s realm extends,

inspiring me to trust Him with my future.


Thank you, moon on high, night mirror of the sky,

reflecting the sun, now hid from view.

You teach me to glory in the image God bestows,

to let the face of Jesus shine through me so men may know

the joy of life eternal in his likeness.


By Daniel O. Stime,



Blog by Judith Vander Wege 7-10-2024

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