What are the Questions?

Last week I attended a virtual writers’ conference called WHAC (Write His Answer Conference) led by Marlene Bagnull. This was a great blessing to me and I’m sure to the many other people who attended. In thinking about “writing God’s answers,” I considered: What Are The Questions?

In this fallen world, many people who know that God is all-powerful ask God why there is so much pain in the world. “Why don’t you do something?” they ask Him. And sometimes he says, “I did. I created you.”

I thank God for the many writers He has created who have blessed us so much.

We do have a responsibility as Christian writers to help the hurting, through our writing and in other ways. But before we can “Write His Answer,” we must know “What are the questions?”

The first question I remember asking was as a three-year-old child when my daddy had returned from the war and was putting my coat on to take me home. I didn’t know him because he had been gone for two years. I asked him, “Why do I have to go with you? Why can’t I stay with Grandpa?”

He replied, “Because we’re your parents and you need to come with us.” It was right that I would go with them because I belonged with them. They would take care of me and provide for me.

Likewise, a person might ask, “Why should I go with God or believe in Him? Why should I follow Jesus?” God answers: “I created you,” (Genesis 1:27, 2:7, Ephesians 2:10, Col.1:16, Rev. 4:11). We belong to Him.

I’ve heard a children’s story about a boy who built a little boat. He cherished it and played with it a lot. One day his boat got lost. Finally, he saw it in a store window and bought it. He said, “Now you’re twice mine.” God has also paid the price to “buy us back” or redeem us from Satan. He wants to adopt us as His children. I John 1:12 says “To all who received Him, who believed in His name, He gave the power to become children of God; “We can be sure if God adopts us, he will take care of us and do what is best for us, unless by rebellion we refuse to fit into his plans.

Many years ago when I was in a state of heartache, believing God had abandoned me, I asked many questions:

Will somebody tell me how to live?

What is the secret? How do I give?

How do I yield my heart?

Will somebody tell me who I am?

Which is the truth and which but a sham?

How did deception start?”

I realized later, the deception happened because I had lost trust in Jesus. I no longer gave him first place in my life. Therefore, he couldn’t guide me properly.

More questions plagued me.

What are the answers … I need them now

to questions I can’t figure out somehow.

Am I wise or am I a fool?

Am I loving or am I cruel?

How do I listen and who will speak?

I feel confused and amazingly weak.”

I had lost confidence in knowing how to follow God’s will. After some time during which I was ministered to by my church and by reading the Bible, especially the book of Isaiah, I was ready to say:

LORD, take control of my inner soul.

Where I am lacking, please make me whole.

Search me and make me true.

For you are the One who gave me life!

Tell me the secret, thus end my strife.

Teach me to live for You!

That was the turning point. When I asked God to take control of my life, then he could begin to get me back on His way. The answer to my questions was submission to Him.

I think the most important answer we need to convey in our writing is that God loves us. He created us because he wanted fellowship with us. He redeemed us (bought us back) because He wants to be our Father, to love us and care for us, and enjoy fellowship with us.

Many are going through heartaches and asking God for answers. Everyone goes through heartaches, sooner or later. We ask “why did my loved one die? Why did I lose a job I enjoyed? Why can’t I get pregnant? Why am I sick?” These are tough questions and the answers may not come in this life. But the Bible has many promises we can consider— “I have loved you with an everlasting love, In everything God works for good for those who love him, I will restore you now,” “You shall be as my mouth (spokesman), “When he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold,” “My grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness,”

Ask God your questions, realizing he loves you and he knows what is best.

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