Although I grew up in the church and made profession of my faith in Jesus at age fourteen, I never really yielded to Christ. I went on living as I always had.
As I grew older, I felt God’s influence in my life, but he usually answered prayers differently than I had hoped. I continued to have troubles and wondered why.
A few months ago, when I purchased the book, A Man After God’s Own Heart by Jim George, I knew I was missing something that King David had. When Samuel the prophet had come to anoint the second King of Israel, he learned God had chosen David over all his brothers to be King because, God said, “He is a man after my own heart,” (Acts 13:22).
As I read the book, I realized that even though King David later committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband killed, he was still considered a “man after God’s own heart.” The reason is that after Nathan the prophet confronted David about his sin, David immediately repented and went to the temple to pray for God’s forgiveness. God forgave David’s sins because his repentance was sincere.
In contrast, I was living in anger all the time. I realized I was not humbly repentant like David. I realized that even though I had accepted Jesus as my Savior, I had never given him full control of my life. When I finally yielded to Jesus completely, things began to change for the better: I was happier, God felt more real to me, I began sleeping better, I was growing in Christ, and my wife was even treating me better. I could tell I wasn’t irritating her as much as before.
I think everyone should become a person after God’s own heart.
(Note from Judith: “My husband, Paul, felt led by God to lead a class on “Hearts belonging completely to the Lord.” I asked him why he chose that topic and I thought this answer was a significant testimony.)
Thanks, Paul, for writing a guest blog for my website today. I love you and I appreciate you.
You are very welcome.
Great reading your blog post Paul!
And also enjoyed reading your response Judith!!
Looks like the two of you may be getting ready to write a book?
Good idea!!
Thank you, Paul. God really does just want to love us and have us be honest with Him about everything, but that goes against our human nature. It’s a daily and at times minute by minute battle. But He already won that battle if we will just relax and accept the victory and the freedom to be loved unconditionally by Him.
Hello Nancy, You are a very encouraging lady. Thank you for your kind comments. Yes, it is a constant battle. I’m learning to love and appreciate God more each day. Again thank you for your kind comments and God bless you.