Empower My Words
Empower my words, gracious Father, that I may proclaim thy truth!
You who spoke and it came to be, you whose Word came to live in me,
Grant that the blind may come to see your everlasting grace.
Empower my words, Holy Spirit, to melt the hardened hearts,
Make my words like soft, gentle rain, cleansing wounds and soothing the pain.
May my message not be in vain. Please speak, O Lord, through me.
Empower my words, Christ Jesus, to show who you really are!
You are first, above everything. Savior, LORD, the King of all kings.
With love my heart, enraptured, sings to glorify your name.
Empower my words to speak boldly as Spokesman of your grace.
You who paid the debt of my sin, you who healed my hurts deep within,
Show me the best way to begin to reach their hearts for you.
—by Judith Vander Wege
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