To Him Who Rides Upon the Clouds

Have you ever felt that God was hiding—that you couldn’t find Him or receive an answer from Him to your earnest requests? I have. Then I searched the scriptures for an explanation. It is apparent that God sometimes hides from … Continued

Discerning God’s Will

 “God’s will is not difficult to find, confusing to follow, or easy to miss. Even in the face of our sometimes foolish choices, God can lead us back into the center of his perfect will,”   By Jerry Sittser, The … Continued

God Has Chosen You

In my last post, I talked about the fact that Christians are called to be saints. God chose us to be saved through sanctification and belief in the truth. (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14) The basic requirement is that we have accepted Jesus … Continued

Stand Still

Three words have intrigued me lately: just stand still. I’ve been enjoying listening to and watching the Pureflix episodes of “Doc.” The song excerpt at the beginning of each episode is “Stand Still” by Billy Ray Cyrus. I’m not sure … Continued

Revisiting Mountaintops

Feb. 15, 2019 Sometimes the dreariness of winter can get a person down about this time of year. The excitement of Christmas and the high hopes of a renewed start in January are past. Now it feels like we just … Continued