A Birthday Tribute
Blog for Feb. 12 Today is my daughter’s birthday. Her name, AnJanette, means “Grace is God’s Gift.” So, in honor of her birthday, I’m going to post a couple songs about grace.
Christian Writer
Blog for Feb. 12 Today is my daughter’s birthday. Her name, AnJanette, means “Grace is God’s Gift.” So, in honor of her birthday, I’m going to post a couple songs about grace.
Post #54 Someday God’s glory will shine in Jerusalem through his anointed Servant, Jesus Christ. This future has been partially realized when Jesus Christ came to earth, and partially when Israel became a state in 1948, but the final consummation … Continued
Out of archive for January 1, 2019 Empower My Words posted in: poem, Prayer, Purpose | 2 Empower my words, gracious Father, that I may proclaim thy truth! You who spoke and it came to be, you whose Word came to live in me, Grant … Continued
#31 for October 18, 2018 Isaiah 36-37 How do you respond to trouble and threats? Let me tell you about one of my favorite Bible characters: King Hezekiah. Isaiah preached in Judah during the reigns of King Hezekiah, his father, … Continued
#24 in series for September 25, 2018 There’s much devastation in our world and has been in every age. There continue to be wars and rumors of wars, starvation, unemployment and many other problems. “Is there a way to life? … Continued
August 16, 2018 #14 in series God was constantly teaching his people. He wanted them—and he wants us—to know him. That is why, besides the promises and foreshadows and types of Christ, he gives pictures and object lessons. Object Lessons … Continued
“Patches of fog won’t hold up under sun.” I clipped this intriguing phrase out of a newspaper and pondered its meaning. “Patches of fog” reminded me of the confusion and depression I’d experienced. “Lord, give me clear sailing,” is what … Continued
This is one of the praise songs our congregation sang a few Sundays ago: It never fails to touch my heart. I can’t imagine life without knowing Jesus Christ.
. . Therefore this is what the Lord says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; If you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman,” (Jeremiah 15:19, NIV). . This scripture had … Continued
Greetings from wintry Iowa. The Spokesman Assailed by inadequacies, I wonder, How can I do anything effectively? Yet, the stars and all creation praise You without a voice. Moses, assailed by inadequacies, spoke because You, Almighty God, made his … Continued