Chosen…or not?

Our church had a ‘Mission Emphasis Sunday’ in which we were encouraged to partner with World Vision in a program called Chosen. People would sign up to sponsor one or more children, and to send monthly donations. Pictures of the … Continued

The Day God’s Heart Broke

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18). My sister and her family have been suffering a lot lately. She has cancer in several places and other … Continued

Another Good Christmas Scripture

I have long felt that, besides the usual ones, there is another good Christmas Scripture which could be preached upon and sung during the Holiday Season. So I decided to write it into a song a few years ago. I … Continued

Rescued From a Pit

Have you ever felt like you’d slipped into a pit of quicksand and couldn’t get out? I did—but then God rescued me. My book, Rescued by God’s Mercy, is for sale on Amazon or from my web site. The back … Continued

Easter Joy

Easter has always been my favorite holiday. What joy to know that Jesus rose from the dead! Because he lives, we too shall live forever in heaven with him! I’d like to share my favorite Easter song with you: “Christ … Continued

Let’s Go and See the Baby

This song was formerly titled Christ is Born, but I found out another song is called that. So this is called Let’s Go and See the Baby. It’s a song about the reaction of the Shepherds to the news from … Continued