To Him Who Rides Upon the Clouds

Have you ever felt that God was hiding—that you couldn’t find Him or receive an answer from Him to your earnest requests? I have. Then I searched the scriptures for an explanation. It is apparent that God sometimes hides from … Continued

Podcast with Caroline Cooper

posted in: Rescued by Mercy | 1

Have you or someone close to you been going through grief lately? This is the topic of the podcast that Caroline Cooper invited me to recently. If you would like to see and hear it, click on this link:

What are the Questions?

Last week I attended a virtual writers’ conference called WHAC (Write His Answer Conference) led by Marlene Bagnull. This was a great blessing to me and I’m sure to the many other people who attended. In thinking about “writing God’s … Continued

Chosen…or not?

Our church had a ‘Mission Emphasis Sunday’ in which we were encouraged to partner with World Vision in a program called Chosen. People would sign up to sponsor one or more children, and to send monthly donations. Pictures of the … Continued