In the Fullness of Time
I’d like to share with you a Christmas Song I wrote. Following the link, I’ll give you the lyrics: . … Continued
Christian Writer
I’d like to share with you a Christmas Song I wrote. Following the link, I’ll give you the lyrics: . … Continued
In the movie, “The Case for Christ,” and also in the book written by Lee Strobel, Mr. Strobel (formerly an atheist) is trying to prove the resurrection didn’t happen. He consults an expert Doctor about the ‘swoon theory’ … Continued
I have long felt that, besides the usual ones, there is another good Christmas Scripture which could be preached upon and sung during the Holiday Season. So I decided to write it into a song a few years ago. I … Continued
Easter has always been my favorite holiday. What joy to know that Jesus rose from the dead! Because he lives, we too shall live forever in heaven with him! I’d like to share my favorite Easter song with you: “Christ … Continued
“In the Fullness of Time”… (when the time was right)… God acted to redeem humans and make us his children. Since He went to such an extreme to make us his children, surely He will act again in our time … Continued