Who is Righteous?

Have you ever wondered how God determines righteousness? How much right living does it take to be considered righteous? In one verse, it says “Be holy, for I am holy,” (1 Peter 1:15-16, quoting Lev.11:44-45). Whoa! Who can be as … Continued

Do You Have Abundant Life?

During a certain, long ago period in my life, I felt a cloud of despondency envelop me from day to day. Loss of loved ones, chronic illness, and a general feeling of failure kept me from enjoying life and feeling … Continued

Gems From My Clutter #2

A “gem” for writers is a precious group of words cut and polished to convey deep meaning and beauty and to make a person think. For instance, this one is a quote from a Pureflix movie called God’s Compass:   … Continued

God’s Plan of Salvation

Today we are finishing our study in the book of Acts. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ Disciples, Paul the Apostle, and other believers spread the message of the Gospel to as much of the world as they … Continued

Why is it so important to trust God?

I believe all the problems in the world stem from lack of trust in God. Do you think that’s too bold a statement? Think of it. Before sin, the Garden of Eden was beautiful—a perfect place to live. Adam and … Continued

What Does It Mean to be a Christian?

posted in: Apologetics | 2

What does it mean to be a Christian? The world has a lot of ideas about Christians, but the title simply means “follower of Christ.” Those of us who believe what the Bible says about Jesus Christ want to follow … Continued

Thank God for Our Relationship With Him

“Guide me, Lord, help me know what you want me to do next” I prayed for the umpteenth time that day. When I listened to myself, it sounded like I thought I was a slave and my master would tell … Continued