We Were Bound, Now Redeemed

“In the Fullness of Time”… (when the time was right)… God acted to redeem humans and make us his children. Since He went to such an extreme to make us his children, surely He will act again in our time … Continued

A Glorious Morning is Coming

       A few days after my grandson was killed, I read a chapter in God Gave the Song* by Gloria Gaither which comforted me. She used a song written by herself and her husband to precede each chapter. The … Continued

Why the Paradox?

“Why Lord? Why are you letting this happen?” I look around at news of the Covid-19 pandemic, cancers, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, Iowa’s derecho wind, earthquakes, riots, persecutions around the world, plus other illnesses and tragedies. My heart goes out in … Continued