In the Fullness of Time
I’d like to share with you a Christmas Song I wrote. Following the link, I’ll give you the lyrics: . … Continued
Christian Writer
I’d like to share with you a Christmas Song I wrote. Following the link, I’ll give you the lyrics: . … Continued
While cleaning out a long-neglected drawer, I was rewarded to find a blog my deceased husband wrote several years ago. I share it with you here. “I was pleased this summer to have an abundant crop of raspberries. However, I … Continued
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18). My sister and her family have been suffering a lot lately. She has cancer in several places and other … Continued
“God’s will is not difficult to find, confusing to follow, or easy to miss. Even in the face of our sometimes foolish choices, God can lead us back into the center of his perfect will,” By Jerry Sittser, The … Continued
I watched the recent Virtual March for Jesus. The speech of Tim Tebow particularly impressed me. He gave an outstanding speech. (It is the last speech on the following video, starting at about 55:23). He talked about his mother’s pregnancy, … Continued