In the Fullness of Time
I’d like to share with you a Christmas Song I wrote. Following the link, I’ll give you the lyrics: . … Continued
Christian Writer
I’d like to share with you a Christmas Song I wrote. Following the link, I’ll give you the lyrics: . … Continued
Our church had a ‘Mission Emphasis Sunday’ in which we were encouraged to partner with World Vision in a program called Chosen. People would sign up to sponsor one or more children, and to send monthly donations. Pictures of the … Continued
Have you ever felt like you were caught in the rapids of a large river—you keep trying to grab onto something to give you stability, but everything slips out of your hands? You try to get your footing, but slip … Continued
This is an old article I wrote in 2018, but it is still pertinent. Tune Me Up, Lord Dear Lord Jesus, you are my master; I am your instrument. Tune me up, Lord. Bring every part of my … Continued
“And your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” (Isaiah 30:21, NKJV). Recently, I drove to Minneapolis to visit my sister and her husband. I thought I knew the way, but I … Continued
Happy Father’s Day, everyone. (Especially Fathers) This is a song I wrote several years ago to honor my Father God on Father’s Day. Now I Will Soar (A Father’s Day Praise Song) 1. Father, Heavenly Father! I lift my heart … Continued