Rescued From a Pit

Have you ever felt like you’d slipped into a pit of quicksand and couldn’t get out? I did—but then God rescued me. My book, Rescued by God’s Mercy, is for sale on Amazon or from my web site. The back … Continued

Why Does God Allow Pain?

Sometimes things happen in our lives that we don’t understand. We know God is all-powerful and all-loving, so why would he allow the death of a loved one, or of a marriage? Why would he allow a worldwide pandemic or … Continued

March for Life 2021

I watched the recent Virtual March for Jesus. The speech of Tim Tebow particularly impressed me. He gave an outstanding speech. (It is the last speech on the following video, starting at about 55:23). He talked about his mother’s pregnancy, … Continued

We Were Bound, Now Redeemed

“In the Fullness of Time”… (when the time was right)… God acted to redeem humans and make us his children. Since He went to such an extreme to make us his children, surely He will act again in our time … Continued