In the Fullness of Time
I’d like to share with you a Christmas Song I wrote. Following the link, I’ll give you the lyrics: . … Continued
Christian Writer
I’d like to share with you a Christmas Song I wrote. Following the link, I’ll give you the lyrics: . … Continued
A few days after my grandson was killed, I read a chapter in God Gave the Song* by Gloria Gaither which comforted me. She used a song written by herself and her husband to precede each chapter. The … Continued
Feb. 15, 2019 Sometimes the dreariness of winter can get a person down about this time of year. The excitement of Christmas and the high hopes of a renewed start in January are past. Now it feels like we just … Continued
This is one of the praise songs our congregation sang a few Sundays ago: It never fails to touch my heart. I can’t imagine life without knowing Jesus Christ.
In a Christian’s spiritual walk, it is not unusual to go through a dark valley now and then. In fact, we need to as part of our growth. Whether this valley is grief, discouragement, illness, or some tragedy, … Continued
Preview of Spring . Thank you, dear Lord, for the preview of spring. Early this morning, I heard a bird sing. Breezes feel gentle, not blustery cold. Sunshine and blue skies are precious like gold. Now the prediction of snow … Continued
After being rescued by God’s mercy from the captivity of sin (justification), most Christians learn gradually to trust God better as they grow in Christ (Sanctification). The personal experience I told of in my June 18th blog, which helped me learn to trust … Continued
Before God was anything else, before time began, he was father. He was holy, all wise, all powerful and ever present father, the One who was love itself. What would it be like to have a father like that? Jesus … Continued