Because God is merciful, he extends grace to us. We are able to receive his grace only through faith in Jesus Christ. Grace is Jesus buying what we desperately need and then giving it to us as a gift. (see … Continued
Christian Writer
Have you ever wondered how God determines righteousness? How much right living does it take to be considered righteous? In one verse, it says “Be holy, for I am holy,” (1 Peter 1:15-16, quoting Lev.11:44-45). Whoa! Who can be as … Continued
A “gem” for writers is a precious group of words cut and polished to convey deep meaning and beauty and to make a person think. For instance, this one is a quote from a Pureflix movie called God’s Compass: … Continued
Today we are finishing our study in the book of Acts. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ Disciples, Paul the Apostle, and other believers spread the message of the Gospel to as much of the world as they … Continued
I believe all the problems in the world stem from lack of trust in God. Do you think that’s too bold a statement? Think of it. Before sin, the Garden of Eden was beautiful—a perfect place to live. Adam and … Continued
What is the single most important thing you want to know? Life is full of questions…especially concerning what God is doing in our lives. Perhaps we’ve gone through a lot of tough things like heartache, illness, tragedies. People don’t treat … Continued
I had expected to have this blog ready by the first of February, but as you see… we have passed Groundhog’s Day, almost to Valentine’s Day! I’ve been thinking a lot about expectations. Are they good or bad? When I don’t … Continued
As New Year’s Day approached, I wondered if I should list goals, resolutions and hopes for the coming year. A new year always seems so full of possibilities, doesn’t it? Yet, I felt empty—devoid of dreams, of hopes, of ambition. … Continued
The trees are already starting to change to their beautiful fall colors here in NW Iowa. I love to look at them and feel the gentle breeze that makes them seem to be dancing. When I go for walks in … Continued
‘Rescued by Mercy’ is the category of seven blogs I posted in March and April. This is a follow up series about trusting God. The first ‘Trusting God’ blog, entitled “How does God teach his people to trust him” posted … Continued