God Has Chosen You

In my last post, I talked about the fact that Christians are called to be saints. God chose us to be saved through sanctification and belief in the truth. (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14) The basic requirement is that we have accepted Jesus … Continued

Scriptures For A Caregiver

My writing coach advises me to post a blog every two weeks. Part of me says, “There’s so much good stuff to read, I can’t possibly read everything I want to read. So why should I add my stuff to … Continued

God Showed Me Mercy #58

#58 for February 7, 2019 Have you ever been “Robbed and plundered [by Satan] and trapped in holes with no one to rescue?” (Isaiah 42:22). In this series called “God Rescues From Messes,” I tell how God rescued me.  This is … Continued

God Wants Relationships #55

Blog #55 for January 29, 2019 Back from the future in chapters 60-62 to the present in chapter 63, Isaiah talks about God as a warrior ready to defeat sin. Those who allow him to make them righteous will be … Continued

November Bible-Reading Plan

Here is the November Topical Bible-Reading Plan. Feel free to print it out and use it with your daily devotions. Thanks: “O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,” Psalm 107:1 1. Psalm 7:17, Romans 1:8, 2. Ephesians … Continued

Honor God by Obedience #25

Post # 25 for September 27 Since God created the earth and entire cosmos, doesn’t he have the right to expect obedience? Sin constantly frustrates God’s plan for this earth. Matthew 13:24-30 tells how God deals with the obedient and … Continued

Review and Summary of How God Rescues From Messes (1-14) #15

This is #15 in a blog series called How God Rescues from Messes.  Mercy is when God forgives us, rescues us from the messes we’ve made, and lovingly restores us. Since the book of Isaiah became so meaningful to me … Continued


Post #11 for August 7 Have you ever caught your child doing something dangerous which you’d made clear was not allowed? What do you do? Say it’s a three-year-old running into a busy street to get a ball, or a teenager … Continued

May You Overflow With Hope

Topical Bible-Reading Plan for April:   You may print out this page and use it for your daily Bible reading. I compiled it for our church newsletter, The Focus.  Because Jesus lives, we have hope. Day 1. I Thess. 4:13-18. Hope that loved … Continued