Lessons in trusting God #23

When I think of trust, I think of a little child jumping off a porch into her father’s arms. She knows he will catch her. Another time she may show trust by accepting father’s advice when it goes against her own wishes.

Trust is the main lesson God wants to teach us. Trust connects us to God, makes us dependent on him. He can give us the fullness of abundant life only when we believe in him and put him first in our lives, yielding to his will.

God wants pure vessels he can use. Sometimes it hurts to be restored or prepared for service, but the end result is worth it. God has used painful experiences in my life to plow my heart so the seeds of faith and trust could grow.

I am the Ground

I am the ground. The plow cuts deep, again and again and again!

It cuts away my roots, my desires to be ‘altogether,’ my desires to look good.

It turns me over, Inside out, till I am a mess of crumbly soil.

The rains come. Seeds are planted. I miss the lovely pasture I used to be,

with calves frolicking in the sunshine, butting heads,

coming to me for nourishment.

Here I lie, useless and alone, except for this farmer

who constantly runs over me with his tractor, seeding, or cultivating.

I am changing. I finally recognize the farmer—

Lord, do with me as you choose, for I belong to you.

Plant the seeds, cultivate out the weeds, send the sunshine and rain.

Lord of the harvest, may I yield abundantly for you whatever crop you choose.”

—Judith Vander Wege

As we read the book of Isaiah, we can learn much about trusting God. God is sovereign, dependable, and trustworthy, He loves peoople and hates wickedness. There is hope for humanity if we seek the Lord and yield to him. God is the answer to our heart-rendiing questions, God alone is trustworthhy. As we yield to him, he will do his sovereign work in us to his glory.

Lord, do with me as you choose, for I belong to you. Amen

Judith Vander Wege

scheduled for September 20, 2018

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