Comfort (Jesus Sings to Me)

During a despondent time in my life, my inner being was crying out to Jesus. One day I sat down at the piano and played at random. Soon it seemed as if my Lord Jesus was guiding my hands. Then … Continued

Elections and Choices

At this moment, we don’t yet know the results of the Presidential election. They are still counting absentee ballots and doing recounts. Plus, there’s a question of possible fraud. Whichever candidate wins, we Americans will (hopefully) honor and respect the … Continued

Why the Paradox?

“Why Lord? Why are you letting this happen?” I look around at news of the Covid-19 pandemic, cancers, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, Iowa’s derecho wind, earthquakes, riots, persecutions around the world, plus other illnesses and tragedies. My heart goes out in … Continued

Questions about Running the Race

In 2016, my devotional titled “Running the Race,” published in The Upper Room, prompted an interesting discussion. I am reprinting it here. A reader asked many questions to clarify what I believed. I answered: Thank you, Elias, for commenting on my … Continued

Guest Post about White Privilege and Systemic Racism by Author James Watkins

My memories of riding to Florida in the back of my grandfather’s Buick included the shock of seeing unpainted houses overflowing with poorly-dressed children, their bare feet painted red with Georgia clay. Growing up white in a segregated neighborhood and … Continued

God Has Chosen You

In my last post, I talked about the fact that Christians are called to be saints. God chose us to be saved through sanctification and belief in the truth. (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14) The basic requirement is that we have accepted Jesus … Continued

Called to be Saints

Did you know you have been called to be a Saint? Perhaps you’ve seen a bumper sticker that says “Christians aren’t perfect, they’re just forgiven?” Whenever I see that, I’m reminded that believers don’t walk around wearing halos and don’t … Continued