Beauty of Creation Shows God’s Love

posted in: praise | 5

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been impressed many times by the beauty of Creation. I believe this beauty shows God’s love for us. Below, you can see many photos of this: 1. Before we left on our trip, the tulips … Continued

Spring planting has begun. Are you being prepared to produce?

posted in: Purpose | 0

. . I am the Ground . I am the ground. The plow cuts deep, again and again and again! It cuts away my roots, my desires to be ‘altogether,’ my desires to look good. It turns me over, inside … Continued


posted in: Rescued by Mercy | 0

God wants to forgive and transform his rebellious children. Following is the fourth and last part of the parable, “The Runaway,” which is segment # 7 of Rescued by Mercy by Judith Vander Wege) When Lu Ann visited her daughter in the treatment center three weeks later, … Continued

Merciful Judgment (Part three of parable in Segment #6, Rescued by Mercy)

posted in: Rescued by Mercy | 0

       Merciful Judgment “If you have a willing attitude and obey, then you will again eat the good crops of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured …” (Isa.1:19-20 NET). Parable Continues (Part … Continued

Believe My Love (Segment #5 of Rescued By Mercy)

posted in: Rescued by Mercy | 0

Please, Believe My Love!  “’Come now, let us reason together,’ says the LORD. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are … Continued

A Parable to help us feel what God feels. (Segment #4 of Rescued by Mercy)

posted in: Rescued by Mercy | 0

     In this series, I’ve been talking about being rescued by God’s mercy. Isaiah, the Evangelical Prophet, made it clear that God feels broken-hearted when his children rebel against him. To bring this home more clearly for us, I wrote a fictional … Continued

Song for a Rainy Day

posted in: Prayer, song | 0

Holy Spirit, Dwell In Me Holy Spirit, dwell in me with your gracious love divine. Cleanse each sinful, prideful thought that afflicts this soul of mine. Lead me now to know the will of my Savior and my Lord. May … Continued

Insights from Isaiah/A Heartbroken God, Segment #3 of Rescued by Mercy series

posted in: Rescued by Mercy | 0

After being “Rescued by Mercy,” I’ve wanted to help others know that God longs to restore us to fellowship with himself, to spiritual and emotional health. Last month, I began posting articles about God’s mercy (see March14 & March 21 in archives). In this … Continued

A Poem of Encouragement for Writers

posted in: Purpose | 0

The Spokesman   Assailed by inadequacies, I wonder, How can I do anything effectively? Yet, the stars and all creation praise You without a voice. Moses, assailed by inadequacies, spoke because You, Almighty God, made his voice and called him. … Continued