Why is Good Friday Good?

We are approaching Good Friday. On that day, Christians focus on the death of Jesus. He was not a victim. He willingly suffered and died in order to pay the price of our sin so we could be made right … Continued

Love is God’s Plan

I’ve become a widow twice now. Two men in turn who dearly loved me and loved God have each blessed me with 16 or 17 years of marriage. So, as a tribute to Martin and to Paul, I’d like to … Continued

Inadequacy to Glory

. In my valley, vision is limited. High walls rise on either side. Mountains impassable, immovable, are barriers to vistas of inspiration for which I yearn. I long to ‘Write His Answers,’ but don’t even comprehend the questions. I cry … Continued

God Has Chosen You

In my last post, I talked about the fact that Christians are called to be saints. God chose us to be saved through sanctification and belief in the truth. (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14) The basic requirement is that we have accepted Jesus … Continued

Revisiting Mountaintops

Feb. 15, 2019 Sometimes the dreariness of winter can get a person down about this time of year. The excitement of Christmas and the high hopes of a renewed start in January are past. Now it feels like we just … Continued

A Prayer for the New Year

posted in: poem, praise, Prayer, Purpose | 0

Out of archive for January 1, 2019 Empower My Words  posted in: poem, Prayer, Purpose |  2 Empower my words, gracious Father, that I may proclaim thy truth! You who spoke and it came to be, you whose Word came to live in me, Grant … Continued

Meaning of Christmas

The Deep Meaning of Christmas   December 27,2018 What does Christmas mean to you? I mean, the deepest meaning? For me, it is this: “God took on flesh, born as a man, born to fulfill the heavenly plan. Jesus atoned … Continued

Do You Know The Suffering Servant? #45

Post #45 for Dec. 6 Isaiah 49-53  Hundreds of years before Jesus walked on this earth, Isaiah said a suffering servant, the Messiah, would come—an individual who would bring Israel back to God. God would be glorified through this servant. … Continued

I Will Not Forget You #43

Blog # 43, Nov. 29 Have you ever felt like God has abandoned you and forgotten you? I did feel that way for a time. But now I believe He says the same thing to us he said to Israel … Continued