Who is Righteous?

Have you ever wondered how God determines righteousness? How much right living does it take to be considered righteous? In one verse, it says “Be holy, for I am holy,” (1 Peter 1:15-16, quoting Lev.11:44-45). Whoa! Who can be as … Continued

Do You Have Abundant Life?

During a certain, long ago period in my life, I felt a cloud of despondency envelop me from day to day. Loss of loved ones, chronic illness, and a general feeling of failure kept me from enjoying life and feeling … Continued

God’s Plan of Salvation

Today we are finishing our study in the book of Acts. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ Disciples, Paul the Apostle, and other believers spread the message of the Gospel to as much of the world as they … Continued

Why is it so important to trust God?

I believe all the problems in the world stem from lack of trust in God. Do you think that’s too bold a statement? Think of it. Before sin, the Garden of Eden was beautiful—a perfect place to live. Adam and … Continued

Trusting God in Darkness (#7 in Trusting God series)

Have you ever felt forsaken in darkness?                                                                   … Continued

Ahaz’s Choice: Learning to Trust #5

  Peace replaced inner turmoil after I turned my life over to Jesus Christ, trusting him. Have you experienced a change like this? If so, I’d love to read about it. (This is the fifth blog in a series about … Continued

Lord, Take Control (#4…Trust series)

Learning to Trust Series, #4   When adversity strikes, it affects our relationship with God. Some will turn away from him in bitterness, while others turn toward him in repentance, seeking help. Or we may do both at different times. … Continued

Learning to Trust #3

After being rescued by God’s mercy from the captivity of sin (justification), most Christians learn gradually to trust God better as they grow in Christ (Sanctification). The personal experience I told of in my June 18th blog, which helped me learn to trust … Continued