November Bible-Reading Plan

Here is the November Topical Bible-Reading Plan. Feel free to print it out and use it with your daily devotions. Thanks: “O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,” Psalm 107:1 1. Psalm 7:17, Romans 1:8, 2. Ephesians … Continued

God’s Prescription #29

 Blog #29 for October 11 In the last blog I mentioned that sin constantly frustrates God’s plan for this earth, but he doesn’t give up on us. God’s prescription for the rebelliousness, self-service and confusion of people is his Holy … Continued

Lessons in trusting God #23

When I think of trust, I think of a little child jumping off a porch into her father’s arms. She knows he will catch her. Another time she may show trust by accepting father’s advice when it goes against her … Continued

Topical Bible Reading for September

For our September topical Bible-Reading, I decided to focus on the Prayers from the Bible. As with the others, you have permission to print this out and use for your daily Bible Reading.  . 1. Philippians 1:2–6. Apostle Paul prays … Continued

May You Overflow With Hope

Topical Bible-Reading Plan for April:   You may print out this page and use it for your daily Bible reading. I compiled it for our church newsletter, The Focus.  Because Jesus lives, we have hope. Day 1. I Thess. 4:13-18. Hope that loved … Continued

Who is Righteous?

Have you ever wondered how God determines righteousness? How much right living does it take to be considered righteous? In one verse, it says “Be holy, for I am holy,” (1 Peter 1:15-16, quoting Lev.11:44-45). Whoa! Who can be as … Continued

Why is it so important to trust God?

I believe all the problems in the world stem from lack of trust in God. Do you think that’s too bold a statement? Think of it. Before sin, the Garden of Eden was beautiful—a perfect place to live. Adam and … Continued

Through the Valley

posted in: song, Trust | 3

     In a Christian’s spiritual walk, it is not unusual to go through a dark valley now and then. In fact, we need to as part of our growth. Whether this valley is grief, discouragement, illness, or some tragedy, … Continued