How Can We Cope With Emotional Storms?

I am horrified when I hear about the devastating storms that have occurred in America lately! I don’t know how so many people cope with their tragedies and losses. I’m sure they are thankful for whatever help they can get … Continued

Glimpses of my Thoughts Today

  My Sister, Ravaged by Cancer, Now gone to a Better Place.   “That you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God … Continued

I AM the Good Shepherd

Jesus’ “I AM” statements continue to bring comfort. He said: . “Before Abraham was, I am,” (John 8:58). (i.e. He is eternal.)   “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” (John 1:5.)   “I … Continued

Father’s Day Praise

Happy Father’s Day, everyone. (Especially Fathers) This is a song I wrote several years ago to honor my Father God on Father’s Day. Now I Will Soar (A Father’s Day Praise Song) 1. Father, Heavenly Father! I lift my heart … Continued

Who is Jesus Christ To You?

          To many, he is just a man who lived over 2000 years ago, who did and said many good things before dying on a Roman Cross. To others, he is nothing at all—they don’t even … Continued

“Praise the Lord…sing to him a new song” Ps. 33:2-3    

The Sovereignty of Christ You are the mighty King! Master of everything. Though you are gentle, you rule over all. Why do you plead for me? Why did you bleed for me? Why bother sending your call. Your grace has … Continued

March for Life 2021

I watched the recent Virtual March for Jesus. The speech of Tim Tebow particularly impressed me. He gave an outstanding speech. (It is the last speech on the following video, starting at about 55:23). He talked about his mother’s pregnancy, … Continued