I Am the Resurrection

The Coffee Break leader said, “We want to give our condolences to Judy, who lost her husband,  I piped up, “He’s not lost. I know exactly where he is.”  Yes, because of Jesus’ resurrection, and my husband, Paul’s, faith in him, … Continued

Easter Joy

Easter has always been my favorite holiday. What joy to know that Jesus rose from the dead! Because he lives, we too shall live forever in heaven with him! I’d like to share my favorite Easter song with you: “Christ … Continued

Why Does God Allow Pain?

Sometimes things happen in our lives that we don’t understand. We know God is all-powerful and all-loving, so why would he allow the death of a loved one, or of a marriage? Why would he allow a worldwide pandemic or … Continued

“Praise the Lord…sing to him a new song” Ps. 33:2-3    

The Sovereignty of Christ You are the mighty King! Master of everything. Though you are gentle, you rule over all. Why do you plead for me? Why did you bleed for me? Why bother sending your call. Your grace has … Continued

We Were Bound, Now Redeemed

“In the Fullness of Time”… (when the time was right)… God acted to redeem humans and make us his children. Since He went to such an extreme to make us his children, surely He will act again in our time … Continued

Martin Luther King, Jr. Led Nonviolent Protests

On this, Martin Luther King, Jr’s, birthday, we should remember this great man’s contribution to America. He led people in passive resistance for equal rights for black people. He believed nonviolence was the morally right way to protest. I think … Continued