We the People

“There’s a very alarming report in The Washington Post today that you need to be aware of.  Apparently GOP bosses in Washington met to plan for the possibility of a brokered convention and how best to alter the outcome if Republican voters choose a nominee they don’t like,”  says Dr. Ben Carson.

“I pray this is incorrect and not the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the people and replace it with the will of the political elite. That would be wrong and I will not stand for it.

“So here’s my promise to you. As your President I will not rest until power in America is restored to its rightful place — in the hands of individual citizens like you.

If you stand with me, I need your support. Today. Now more than ever, I need you to invest in this campaign by making a secure donation of any amount.

“It’s clear the political class cannot be trusted. It’s time for a change in Washington.

“With your help, I intend to be the Republican nominee. If I am not, I’m prepared to lose fair and square and the winner will have my full support. But I will not sit back and watch a theft.

“For many years, the professional political class in both parties has deceived and manipulated the American people. Too often, our leaders seem more concerned with their own survival than the survival of America. “They the Powerful” have trampled upon “We the People” and it’s time for us to stand up and restore the balance.

“This is a difficult but worthy undertaking, and it will require us to work together side by side.”

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