Now I Can Praise You #18

Blog #18 for August 30 I like to highlight parts of the Bible that are meaningful to me. In my RSV Bible, the entire chapter of Isaiah 12 is bright red with the note, “This is true for me now” dated … Continued

The Way Of Life, Blog #17 in series, (How God Rescues From Messes)

#17 for August 28, 2018 Blog #17 for August 28 After people have messed up their lives and then repented, It’s often difficult to know which way to go. But God provides a way for those who are intent on following … Continued

Review and Summary of How God Rescues From Messes (1-14) #15

This is #15 in a blog series called How God Rescues from Messes.  Mercy is when God forgives us, rescues us from the messes we’ve made, and lovingly restores us. Since the book of Isaiah became so meaningful to me … Continued

Object Lessons From God (#14)

August 16, 2018 #14 in series God was constantly teaching his people. He wanted them—and he wants us—to know him. That is why, besides the promises and foreshadows and types of Christ, he gives pictures and object lessons. Object Lessons … Continued

Picture of Redemption, part 2 (#13)

August 14, 2018 (#13 of series) God ‘s plan of redemption (aka God’s plan of salvation) began with Adam and Eve. It is like a red thread stretching throughout the Bible to tell about the Messiah. From Abraham on, in the … Continued

Picture of Redemption, part 1 Post #12 of series

 August 9, post #12 in series of God Rescues From Messes “Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I obey your word.” Psalm 119:67. I’ve been writing, in the past several blogs, about God’s mercy. I hope when you … Continued


Post #11 for August 7 Have you ever caught your child doing something dangerous which you’d made clear was not allowed? What do you do? Say it’s a three-year-old running into a busy street to get a ball, or a teenager … Continued

August Topical Bible Reading Plan

August: Holiness, Holy Holiness = “purity or integrity of moral character,” Holy= “1.Sacred, spiritually pure, godly” 2.“Consecrated; declared holy… or set aside for religious use. (The Complete Christian Dictionary.) Suggestion for meditation: Print out the page. After reading the scripture, … Continued