What Does Christmas Mean to You?

posted in: Purpose, song | 1

Each year I try to write a Christmas letter that tells something of the true meaning of Christmas. One year, my heart was quickened by the words in the familiar carol, Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It astounds me that … Continued

Trusting God in Darkness (#7 in Trusting God series)

Have you ever felt forsaken in darkness?                                                                   … Continued

The Spokesman

posted in: Father, poem, Prayer | 10

Therefore this is what the Lord says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; If you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman,” (Jeremiah 15:19, NIV). This scripture had a great impact … Continued

Learning to Trust #3

After being rescued by God’s mercy from the captivity of sin (justification), most Christians learn gradually to trust God better as they grow in Christ (Sanctification). The personal experience I told of in my June 18th blog, which helped me learn to trust … Continued

How Does God Teach Trust (#2)

‘Rescued by Mercy’ is the category of seven blogs I posted in March and April. This is a follow up series about trusting God. The first ‘Trusting God’ blog, entitled “How does God teach his people to trust him” posted … Continued

A Conversation With God

posted in: Uncategorized | 4

“What is a saint, Judy?” Well, it’s certainly not me, I thought, remembering my angry thoughts of the day before. Many years earlier, after an extensive word study on the word saint in the Bible, I had written a poem about … Continued

Song for a Rainy Day

posted in: Prayer, song | 0

Holy Spirit, Dwell In Me Holy Spirit, dwell in me with your gracious love divine. Cleanse each sinful, prideful thought that afflicts this soul of mine. Lead me now to know the will of my Savior and my Lord. May … Continued