Because God is merciful, he extends grace to us. We are able to receive his grace only through faith in Jesus Christ. Grace is Jesus buying what we desperately need and then giving it to us as a gift. (see … Continued
Christian Writer
Because I’m a writer, I like words. I save words, relish words, try to find the best words, and did I say–save words? LIttle and big scraps of paper cluttered my entire desktop, filled drawers, and covered a good section … Continued
This is one of the praise songs our congregation sang a few Sundays ago: It never fails to touch my heart. I can’t imagine life without knowing Jesus Christ.
In a Christian’s spiritual walk, it is not unusual to go through a dark valley now and then. In fact, we need to as part of our growth. Whether this valley is grief, discouragement, illness, or some tragedy, … Continued
What is the single most important thing you want to know? Life is full of questions…especially concerning what God is doing in our lives. Perhaps we’ve gone through a lot of tough things like heartache, illness, tragedies. People don’t treat … Continued
Preview of Spring . Thank you, dear Lord, for the preview of spring. Early this morning, I heard a bird sing. Breezes feel gentle, not blustery cold. Sunshine and blue skies are precious like gold. Now the prediction of snow … Continued
Now I Will Soar Father, Heavenly Father! I lift my heart to you in praise this glorious day. Father, I call you my Father, for you’ve adopted me into your holy family. Now I will soar on the wings of … Continued
The trees are already starting to change to their beautiful fall colors here in NW Iowa. I love to look at them and feel the gentle breeze that makes them seem to be dancing. When I go for walks in … Continued
Have you ever felt forsaken in darkness? … Continued
After being rescued by God’s mercy from the captivity of sin (justification), most Christians learn gradually to trust God better as they grow in Christ (Sanctification). The personal experience I told of in my June 18th blog, which helped me learn to trust … Continued