Thank God for Our Relationship With Him
“Guide me, Lord, help me know what you want me to do next” I prayed for the umpteenth time that day. When I listened to myself, it sounded like I thought I was a slave and my master would tell … Continued
Christian Writer
“Guide me, Lord, help me know what you want me to do next” I prayed for the umpteenth time that day. When I listened to myself, it sounded like I thought I was a slave and my master would tell … Continued
How exciting it was to receive tons of comments on my Upper Room Devotional yesterday. Here is the URL in case you missed it: Most of these were very complimentary. One person asked many questions to clarify what I believed. … Continued
I’ve been accused of being judgmental because of my belief that it is not wise to drink alcoholic beverages. Stating a belief is not the same as “being judgmental” is it? I guess it depends on how one says it. One … Continued
Therefore this is what the Lord says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; If you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman,” (Jeremiah 15:19, NIV). This scripture had a great impact … Continued
After being rescued by God’s mercy from the captivity of sin (justification), most Christians learn gradually to trust God better as they grow in Christ (Sanctification). The personal experience I told of in my June 18th blog, which helped me learn to trust … Continued
‘Rescued by Mercy’ is the category of seven blogs I posted in March and April. This is a follow up series about trusting God. The first ‘Trusting God’ blog, entitled “How does God teach his people to trust him” posted … Continued
Adventure in Trust “Let’s sing Christmas carols,” I suggested to my parents and sisters. We were traveling by car to our grandparents’ farm in South Dakota the winter before I turned ten. “Well, you know I can’t carry a tune,” mother … Continued
My sweet husband took note of the fact that my view out the kitchen window (while doing dishes) was a little bleak. I could see an old lamppost and a birdfeeder hanging on a clotheslines pole. I enjoyed watching the … Continued
“What is a saint, Judy?” Well, it’s certainly not me, I thought, remembering my angry thoughts of the day before. Many years earlier, after an extensive word study on the word saint in the Bible, I had written a poem about … Continued
“Come walk with me, my child.” The quiet whisper in my spirit led me to put on my shoes and open the door. But Lord, it’s raining. “So? Use your umbrella.” So I went, and delighted again in the majestic … Continued