Is It Wise?

posted in: Uncategorized, Wisdom | 0

I’ve been accused of being judgmental because of my belief that it is not wise to drink alcoholic beverages. Stating a belief is not the same as “being judgmental” is it? I guess it depends on how one says it. One … Continued

The Spokesman

posted in: Father, poem, Prayer | 10

Therefore this is what the Lord says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; If you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman,” (Jeremiah 15:19, NIV). This scripture had a great impact … Continued

Learning to Trust #3

After being rescued by God’s mercy from the captivity of sin (justification), most Christians learn gradually to trust God better as they grow in Christ (Sanctification). The personal experience I told of in my June 18th blog, which helped me learn to trust … Continued

How Does God Teach Trust (#2)

‘Rescued by Mercy’ is the category of seven blogs I posted in March and April. This is a follow up series about trusting God. The first ‘Trusting God’ blog, entitled “How does God teach his people to trust him” posted … Continued

How does God teach his people to trust him?

posted in: Trust | 0

Adventure in Trust “Let’s sing Christmas carols,” I suggested to my parents and sisters. We were traveling by car to our grandparents’ farm in South Dakota the winter before I turned ten. “Well, you know I can’t carry a tune,” mother … Continued

A Conversation With God

posted in: Uncategorized | 4

“What is a saint, Judy?” Well, it’s certainly not me, I thought, remembering my angry thoughts of the day before. Many years earlier, after an extensive word study on the word saint in the Bible, I had written a poem about … Continued

Beauty of Creation Shows God’s Love

posted in: praise | 5

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been impressed many times by the beauty of Creation. I believe this beauty shows God’s love for us. Below, you can see many photos of this: 1. Before we left on our trip, the tulips … Continued