My Passion

posted in: Prayer | 5

To be a good blogger, I’ve been told, you must discover your passion. My intense desire, my passion, is to stay in tune with the Holy Trinity. This is my prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for being my Savior, for obediently … Continued

Hope From a Merciful God (Segment #2 of Rescued by Mercy)

  Isaiah is called the evangelical prophet because he preached good news. Do you need good news? Have you ever felt like you were in a mess and didn’t know how to get out? Then you know how I felt. … Continued

How I Was Rescued By Mercy (Segment #1)

posted in: Rescued by Mercy | 7

  “This is a people robbed and plundered, trapped in holes with none to rescue…” (Isa. 42;22) This Bible Verse gripped my heart because I felt “robbed and plundered.” Although I’d been a Christian since the age of nine and … Continued

Psalm 27 for Writers

posted in: praise | 0

As it is with many writers, so also it is frustrating to me to keep receiving rejection letters for manuscripts I’ve submitted. I felt akin to Snoopy who sat on  his cartoon doghouse typing a letter back to an editor saying the  rejection letter didn’t meet his (Snoopy’s) … Continued

Empower My Words

posted in: poem, Prayer, Purpose | 2

Empower my words, gracious Father, that I may proclaim thy truth! You who spoke and it came to be, you whose Word came to live in me, Grant that the blind may come to see your everlasting grace. Empower my … Continued

Living In the Sunshine

posted in: Depression, Prayer, song | 0

When many days in a row have been cloudy and dreary and cold, a day of bright sunshine can sure lift a person’s spirits. Likewise, when a person has gone through a lot of depression, a day of inner sunshine … Continued