We Were Bound, Now Redeemed

“In the Fullness of Time”… (when the time was right)… God acted to redeem humans and make us his children. Since He went to such an extreme to make us his children, surely He will act again in our time … Continued

Let’s Go and See the Baby

This song was formerly titled Christ is Born, but I found out another song is called that. So this is called Let’s Go and See the Baby. It’s a song about the reaction of the Shepherds to the news from … Continued

Topical Bible Reading for September

For our September topical Bible-Reading, I decided to focus on the Prayers from the Bible. As with the others, you have permission to print this out and use for your daily Bible Reading.  . 1. Philippians 1:2–6. Apostle Paul prays … Continued

Now I Can Praise You #18

Blog #18 for August 30 I like to highlight parts of the Bible that are meaningful to me. In my RSV Bible, the entire chapter of Isaiah 12 is bright red with the note, “This is true for me now” dated … Continued

August Topical Bible Reading Plan

August: Holiness, Holy Holiness = “purity or integrity of moral character,” Holy= “1.Sacred, spiritually pure, godly” 2.“Consecrated; declared holy… or set aside for religious use. (The Complete Christian Dictionary.) Suggestion for meditation: Print out the page. After reading the scripture, … Continued

Gems From My Clutter #2

A “gem” for writers is a precious group of words cut and polished to convey deep meaning and beauty and to make a person think. For instance, this one is a quote from a Pureflix movie called God’s Compass:   … Continued

God’s Plan of Salvation

Today we are finishing our study in the book of Acts. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ Disciples, Paul the Apostle, and other believers spread the message of the Gospel to as much of the world as they … Continued

How Does God Teach Trust (#2)

‘Rescued by Mercy’ is the category of seven blogs I posted in March and April. This is a follow up series about trusting God. The first ‘Trusting God’ blog, entitled “How does God teach his people to trust him” posted … Continued

Gray, Dreary Skies Can be Depressing

Sometimes when skies are gray for several days in a row, I feel a little depressed. I’m not sure if it’s a flashback to the years when circumstances were so depressing, or if it is a lack of sunshine causing … Continued