Gems From My Clutter #2

A “gem” for writers is a precious group of words cut and polished to convey deep meaning and beauty and to make a person think. For instance, this one is a quote from a Pureflix movie called God’s Compass:   … Continued

Why is it so important to trust God?

I believe all the problems in the world stem from lack of trust in God. Do you think that’s too bold a statement? Think of it. Before sin, the Garden of Eden was beautiful—a perfect place to live. Adam and … Continued

Through the Valley

posted in: song, Trust | 3

     In a Christian’s spiritual walk, it is not unusual to go through a dark valley now and then. In fact, we need to as part of our growth. Whether this valley is grief, discouragement, illness, or some tragedy, … Continued


posted in: Trust | 0

 I had expected to have this blog ready by the first of February, but as you see… we have passed Groundhog’s Day, almost to Valentine’s Day! I’ve been thinking a lot about expectations. Are they good or bad? When I don’t … Continued

Praise From a Grateful Heart

Now I Will Soar Father, Heavenly Father! I lift my heart to you in praise this glorious day. Father, I call you my Father, for you’ve adopted me into your holy family. Now I will soar on the wings of … Continued

Trusting God in Darkness (#7 in Trusting God series)

Have you ever felt forsaken in darkness?                                                                   … Continued